Free Birthday Meals in 87310 Restaurants


Free Birthday Meals at Kazz Bar and Grill in Casnovia, Michigan

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Kazz Bar and Grill
Birthday Meal Details
Kazz Bar and Grill < $15 Cuisine:
American, Mexican
Southwestern, Pizza, Tapas, Deli, Burgers
Special Features:
Bar Dining, Late-Night Hours, Happy Hour, Take-out, Date Spot, Outdoor Seating, Entertainment, Live Music, Sports Bar, Kid Friendly, Pet-Friendly, Vegan Friendly
3 N Main Street
Casnovia, Michigan 49318
Phone: (616) 675-4610
Birthday Discount:
Enjoy a gift certificate from us on your next visit when you spend your birthday with us. Great place for a night out on your birthday, weekends are a great dance and mingle atmosphere!

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